As a new mom, I know what it’s like to stress about everything that comes with getting pregnant, and having a baby! As a high D personality, I like to be in control, and be as prepared as I can be! And I found that having a tiny little human growing inside of me, all of a sudden had a lot of unknowns. I had questions. Lots of questions. In fact, new questions arised by the what seemed like the minute, usually at 3A.M. (why can’t I sleep?)! Thankfully, I have 3 older sisters who ALL had children before me, so I did have Family that I trusted, and who I could reach out too. But, I know that that’s not the case for everyone..
I was recently asked by a friend “What do I need for babies first month of life? I’m so stressed out and don’t know where to start!” Well, my friends, I have compiled myself, and 3 other mamas opinions (who all had babies 9 months apart) ALL in ONE place for you! So, I’m going to break it down for you into categories:
-Clothes -Baby Room/Nursery -Feeding -Cleaning -Other
I’ll also go over
-Things that are NECESSARY (in my opinion) and;
-Things that are NICE to have, but not totally necessary
*This post may contain affiliate links. I may make a small commission from any purchases at no extra cost to you. All opinions are my own*
What you’ll need for that new precious bundle!
Let’s start out with clothing:
- Halo Sleepsack -Muslim Blankets – I LOVE the brand Aiden & Anais – The HALO sleepsack is beyond FAB for swaddling, this is def second. But these are great for many more things, like burp cloths, car seat cover, nursing cover, or even a light blanket for warm days (summer baby anyone?). These are SO versatile. & I LOVE the patterns this brand comes with too! Here is some more fun ones fore boys. Here is more fun ones for girls. -I also love THIS SWADDLE to transition them from swaddle to sleep sack -Mittens so they don’t scratch themselves -Toques (You’ll get one at the hospital, but it’s nice to have more then one!) -Sleepers. Preferably ZIP up, not buttons, trust me on this one. My children LIVED in their sleepers for the first few months of life – even for outings! It’s so much easier then trying to get a newborn into a super cute oufit. Carters sells really cute ones, and they’re affordable! Here is some for gender neutral. Boys newborn, Girls newborn! I also recommend getting some 0-3 month sleepers, as my children only fit their newborns for about a week or two. (Adeline was the heaviest at a whopping 7 lbs on the nose.) -If your baby is born in the cooler months, I would recommend getting a stack of plain white onesies to help keep them warm.
Beautiful Blankets my sister, Jessica, had made for her son, and her sons cousin!
*Made by Gliz Designs* - use code: WALTER5 for your discount on ALL products* Gliz Designs
Now, what you’ll need for the nursery:
-Rocking Chair/Glider – THIS ONE is the comfiest chair I’ve ever sat in – it is WELL WORTH the money! -Crib / Bassinet -Crib Sheets -Change pad & cover -Dresser – I like this one because it has the change table built in, with a side to put diapers/wipes etc. -Sound machine (see my blog post about “Sleep” for more details on this! You can find that post here) -Room blackout shades -Diaper rash cream -Hangers for clothes -Diapers -Wipes -Soother & Pacifier Clip (I love this one because it's GREAT for when they're teething done the road!)
-Baby Monitor/Camera – this one is great because it has WIFI! So you can actually hook it up to your phone, if the monitor doesn’t reach “outside” (or wherever)! PLUS, you can hook up more then one camera to it. So we can watch both girls on our phones!
-Bottles and Nipples -Breastmilk Storage bags, if you plan on nursing, and want to pump. -Nursing Pillow -Nursing Cover -Nursing Bra -Nipple Cream -Breastpump
Cleaning: -Baby Bath – this one is great for a few weeks old+. This one is great for newborns in the sink! -Baby Washcloths -Baby Towels – make sure they’re hooded towels like these! -Bottle Brush -Baby wash – we like this one, as our girls can’t use lavender. -Baby Laundry Detergent -Baby Spout
-Activity Mat – we have this one. -Swing -Bouncer -Rattle – like this one -Soft, crinkle book
-Carseat Cover – The designer Gliz Designs & I have teamed up to offer you all an exclusive discount!! Use my code: WALTER5 with GlitzDesignsto get your discount, or Shop this link! I absolutely LOVE their products! They sell more than carseat covers too! We have a similar one to the one posted below (with the screen) It's GREAT for summer babies, or if you're having a winter baby, they also have minky ones to help babe stay warm!

-Car Mirror -Carseat + Stroller – This one is great if you plan on having more children, it converts to a double, it’s in “white”. You can get the bottom seat here. Also available in grey, green, or black. -Here is a cheaper Graco Carseat & Stroller Combo, that we used when we had JUST Lilly ( We should have got the Vista from the start because we knew we were having more than one kid.. I wasn't thinking). BUT, if you plan on having just one - this stroller is GREAT! I LOVE the rubber tires, & in fact: It's easy to push, & it's great for off roading, and it's a heck of a lot cheaper, (Because it doesn't turn into a double). - Nail Clippers / Safety Kit -Baby Nasel Spray & Aspirator -If you have a big house, where babies room is upstairs, then a diaper caddy is great. -Diaper Bag/Backpack
Nice to have but not totally necessary: -Doc a Tot -Baby Carrier – we like the Lillie Baby -Pack N Play -Cute “going home outfit” -Bottle Drying rack -Diaper Pail

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