If there's one thing I know to be true: it's that routine's are life! As humans, we thrive on structure within our day, and we like to know what's coming next. (& coffee, we thrive on coffee!)
Whether I'm a working mom, work from home mom, or stay at home mom, one thing that has stayed consistent is my Daily Cleaning Routine. You can get your free printable here.

Here is what my Daily Cleaning Routine consists of: dishes, dishes, and more dishes. Did I mention the endless loads of laundry?
Okay, in all seriousness - let's get to good part. Here is my daily cleaning routine:
1.) Unload the Dishwasher every morning.
This helps set your day up for success, so you can fill it throughout the day.
2.) Keep the sink empty.
Nothing makes your house look cluttered like a dirty sink full of dishes, or a dirty countertop. One of my favourite cleaning products to use on my sink is this stuff right here.
I actually created a video on 10 different ways to use it around the house. What works, and what didn't work!
3.) Clean / Wipe your countertops, and table after every meal.
This is a preventive measure. The longer the dirt, and grime stays on there, the harder you're going to have scrub. If possible, wipe it as soon as you can!

4.) Make the beds daily.
5.) Open the blinds/curtains! But, also open the windows and allow the fresh air to come in!
I love opening the windows in the house! It is so refreshing to feel the breeze, along with all of the natural light!Even on the gloomy days, I open all of the blinds! The only difference, is all of the lights go on too!
6.) Give the bathroom a quick wipe.
Again, don't allow the toothpaste, and who knows what else build up.
7.) Do one load of laundry a day.
Wash, Dry, & Fold / put away! This helps me stay on top of the endless laundry! & helps me feel less overwhelmed!
8.) Sweep / Vacuum the kitchen floor at the end of the day.
Try to pick up all of the dirt, and food through sweeping or vacuuming after you're done cooking for the day! I do have a robot vacuum that I love to run daily as well! In my opinion, a robot vacuum is one of the best household items you could ever invest in. We have an older version of the neato, and we have had it for about 6 years, and we have totally gotten our money's worth! It's also an incredible housewarming gift, wedding gift, or even Christmas gift!

9.) End the day with the starting the dishwasher, so you're ready to tackle the day in the morning!
BONUS: If you have the energy after a long day with the kids, I highly recommend mopping the floor! I absolutely LOVE a freshly mopped floor, especially at night! I focus on the kitchen floor. Mainly because it seems to get the dirtiest.
The kitchen floor is the ONE spot in my home, I will get down and dirty and scrub on my hands and knees. It can be absolutely disgusting what you actually see when you get down there. Of course this is not 100% necessary, sometimes it's nice to just whip out the mop and get the job done in less time.
So there you have it, my every day cleaning routine as a stay at home mom! I hope my routine helps you to create your own routine. Routines for me = less stress, and more Family Time!
I share these systems in hopes to help alleviate some of the stress in your life! & to help you create your own routines / structure within your day!
If I can do it, so can you!