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How to use the GoCleanCo Method to deep clean your home

Writer: Brianne WalterBrianne Walter

I've been following the GoCleanCo brand for quite some time, and have totally fallen in love with this cleaning method. The only downside is it's not natural, and I'm trying to dive more into the natural side of cleaning! But one thing I know to be true: this method WORKS! What it is: 4 Cups Hot Water 4 tsp bleach

1/2 tsp powder tide That is the TRUE recipe, and makes a small batch. I like live dangerously and make my own blend of this mixture. I fill a bucket with hot water, omit the bleach, and add 1/2-1 tsp of powder tide. I recommend starting off with less, as if you add too much, it can turn streaky.

I've used this method to clean my walls, kitchen cabinets, floors, baseboards.. everything. Literally top to bottom, our house has been cleaned using this method. You definitely need this mop. I use it for our walls, and our floors while using this gocleanco method as well! When it comes to deep cleaning, this method id incredible. It's disgustingly satisfying how dirty our home is, but not to the eye! Here you can find loads of cleaning motivation to help you tackle your mess, and get the motivation/encouragement you need! I hope you found this post helpful! If you did, share it on your socials. Share it with your friends! Leave me a comment, and don't forget to like it as well! Happy Cleaning! xoBW


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