Sometimes I find it can be quite overwhelming when it comes to setting up a planner! Whether it's a new week, month, or year, it used to get me SO excited, but I never knew where to start! After years of planning through my business, work life, mom life, and family life, I have found a few systems, and tips that I wanted to share today! My hope with this blog post is to help you get set up with your new planner, as we head into a new year!
Let's jump right in!
Lists! I have numerous different lists, and what you're life encompasses will depend on the different types of lists you'll want! But to give you an idea, here are my favourite lists:
-The Brain Dump
I have to start off with this one, as everything you write on this list, will be brought onto your other lists. There's nothing more anxiety-driven than an overwhelmed mind. Take it off your mind, and get it! Write down everything that comes to your mind. For me, this is messy. Some people categorize it as they're writing it down. I do not. I write as things come to my mind.
-The 6 most important things list This is a daily list of things that NEED to be done within your work. Prioritize this list. What needs to be done TODAY. (Think: Deadlines, etc.) -Content Creation / Inspiration For this next list, it is usually broken down into 3 categories for me: Youtube, Blog, Reels. These are the 3 platforms I chose to work on. YT is top priority, then I repurpose my YT content into my blog, and reels for IG!

There's some things (like this blog post) that I don't want on my Cleaning/Homemaking YT Channel, as it would only hurt me in the algorithm, but I know it'll bring value into your life. When this happens, it still fits my "Lifestyle" Niche, so I add it strictly into a blog post, maybe talk about it on my IG stories, sometimes an in-feed post, and/or a reel! It might sound confusing, and if you don't plan, it is! That's why all of these lists compliment each other.
-To do list (for the home)
Sometimes I have a massive to do list. As a work from home mom, and homeschooling mom, there's A LOT to do in a day.
-Meal Planning + Prepping
I carve time out once a week (usually on Sundays) to plan. Meal plan, and prep / figure out what's on the menu this week. Now, I'm super picky, and sometimes I don't "feel" like eating what's on the menu that day. Or sometimes I'll have leftovers on my weekly menu, but we were extra hungry the night before, and now there's no leftovers to eat. So have a guide, but you can be flexible with this one. If you don't want to eat what's on the meal plan that day, have a different meal from the list. I usually come up with 5 meal ideas a week, and make them as I want them. Fridays we have pizza (this is the only meal that doesn't change weekly), and another day will be leftover day! I'm cooking a home cooked meal 5 days / week, and so I have to be prepared. *I only meal plan for supper, not lunch.
-Time Blocking
After you've completed those lists, this is where your planner comes in. Take everything from the lists, and add them into your physical (or digital) planner in time-slots. For instance, we homeschool from 8:30-10 1:00 is nap/quiet time (this is when I'll add in work-related things to get done)
4:00 I prep / cook supper
7:30 kids bedtime, and my self care / workout. That's an average day. And yes, I book my workout into my calendar, as I would a doctor appointment. If it's not in my calendar, it's not getting done - that's my reality.
The whole point of time blocking is to allow your mind to be free of the mental clutter, so you can stay focused, and accomplish more in your day, without being so overwhelmed / anxious.

-Self Care / Work Out If it's not in my calendar, it's most likely not getting done. Especially when it comes to ME. As a mom, we do everything for everyone first, and take care of ourselves last, if at all. That's why time blocking is so important, but even more so when it comes to self care / working out / doing the things that bring you JOY. I hope this helps you to organize your life, and utilize your planner! I do personally love these planners, they're totally customizable, and I always prefer the hourly layout so I can time-block. Last year, and this year I went to my local Michaels and picked one up there - it does the job, and is less expensive. The erin condren is definitely better quality, and again totally customizable, PLUS it comes with stickers! It's definitely worth the money. I hope this helped you! Don't forget to give this a heart if you enjoyed it! & remember: sharing is caring! xoBW