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How to Organize your Small Linen Closet *on a budget*

Writer: Brianne WalterBrianne Walter

All I see on Pinterest and Instagram are these massive linen closets. IYKYK. I was getting pretty tired of seeing all of these unattainable spaces! Furthermore, my house just isn't that big. I was also looking for something that was affordable, on top of attainable! I've found the perfect solution.. everything is from the Dollar Store! Through trial, and error, I've found a system that worked for me on how to organize a small linen closet! Make sure to give this a heart, if you find value in it!

Step 1: Empty out your linen closet.

It's so important to start fresh! Empty out the space, clean it out, and start from scratch! Step 2: Clean! I like to get everything spotless so I know that when I get to the organizing, everything is fresh! Step 3: Line (optional, but highly recommended)

The ONLY reason I didn't line our small linen closet, is due to the fact that we're renting! You can buy it super inexpensively from the Dollarstore! Step 4: Get your baskets! Figure out how to make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible! I recommend using the same colour. You can never go wrong with white! Step 5: Sort& Fold! Get everything folded, and sorted! If you have your medicine cabinet in your small linen closet like me, then ensure your medications are all up to date! (I found medication from 2012!) I don't even know how it made the move 2 years ago.. Step 6: Everything has a home! Fill your baskets! Keep things simple, and clean. & find everything a home that works for YOU! I hope these 6 simple steps help you to clean, organize, and declutter your small linen closet! I am very pleased with this before and after! & I am happy to say that after 4 months, it's holding up perfectly!!

Don't forget to give this blog post a heart! & let me know: when will you be tackling your linen closet?


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