My older sisters and I were having the conversation on how to introduce baby to solid foods. They're looking at me for advice, as we have the "oldest" baby of the 4. (How ironic). As I searched the internet to try to find a how-to guide about introducing solid foods to my baby, all I could find was information about "Baby-Led Weaning". Which is GREAT, if you want to do baby-led weaning, not so great if you don't. It's the newest / hottest topic in the babyhood industry right now, and I don't know about you, but I'm TERRIFIED to do baby-led weaning.
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Adeline 8 months old - eating a baby cracker
Now with that being said, you do you. If you want to do baby-led weaning, I'm all for that. But even after my second child, I'm still a nervous wreck when it comes to introducing SOLIDs (not puree's). & yes, I'm part of the FB baby led weaning group. But still, at 11 months old, I can't bring myself to give Adeline a giant piece of steak.
So, without further ado, let's get on into how I introduced Adeline to solid foods.
*I am not a medical professional, nor is this intended to tell you what to do. I am just speaking from PERSONAL experience with my two little girls. Of course, every baby is different, and you know your baby best. If you're STILL concerned, talk to your pediatrician.
I have to give a shout out to the Siesta highchair. In my opinion, it’s kinda like the “Cadillac” of highchairs! We used this one for both our girls! As you can see in the photos - we went with the orange one. At first I had mixed feelings about the colour. But my husband insisted (he doesn't INSIST very often) on it, so I caved. If I had it my way, everything would have been PINK. But in reality, it doesn't matter the colour of her highchair, it's a beaut.
Anyway... It all started at about 5.5 months, when we introduced the classic "Baby Oatmeal" to Adeline. If you want information on how to make baby food "PUREES", see this post.
Around 6.5 months is when I got comfortable offering her more solid foods. For the entire month of offering her purees, she always loved grabbing the spoon, so she learned very quickly how to use her pincer grasp, as she had already found a love for food.
Now when it comes to introducing solid foods for the first time, I refuse to offer solid foods when Daddy isn't home - that's how paranoid I am. (Aaron still bugs me to this day about me cutting up our almost-3-year olds food. Don't judge me.. I'm getting better.)
We started with scrambled eggs, as a first food. (See photo below for how "small" we cut it up. She gagged, of course, I almost had a heart attack, but she is fine. When introducing solids, it's important to know and understand the difference between gagging, and choking. They WILL gag. It's part of the process.
I heard this saying: "Loud and red, let them go. Quiet and blue, they need YOU" It suck with me!
Also keep in mind, when offering foods, if babe starts turning her head, swatting the spoon away, or is attempting to escape the highchair, you can assume she has had enough. Let babe lead, they know the way.

Adeline 8 months old - eating scrambled eggs
The second food I introduced was frozen peas. Shortly after, frozen carrots. The key when they're this little, is to over cook it, so it basically turns to mush when they bite down.
*Fun Fact: babies don't need teeth to eat solid foods, either. So don't stress if babe is a late bloomer in terms of teething.
Always remember to wait 3 to 4 days before introducing new foods. This will help to pinpoint any potential food allergies. There's LOTS of food allergies in my family, so I don't take this lightly.
When Adeline turned 8 months, I gave her cooked pasta. (We buy the organic quinoa pasta). I made her homemade mac and cheese and she DEVOURED it. I bought the fusilli noodles, and cut them into "pea" sizes. For me - that was key. I cut everything into "pea" size. Around this age was also when I introduced the Baby Mum Mum's. These things are the best. All I have to say is " want a cookie" and Adeline's whole world lights up. (& Lilly in the background also wants a cookie!)
One day, I walked into the dining room while Aaron, my husband, was feeding her eggs, and her pieces were LEGIT TRIPLE the size that I would have given her. (He's more calm when it comes to feeding her solids - can you tell? LOL). I tried to remain calm, as I watched her scarf down the eggs. As my heart raced, I had 911 on speed dial (not actually, but I was ready), but turns out - she was FINE. She just naturally knew what to do. She had been eating solid foods for months now, and she was EAGER to learn. And this mama, was holding her back. She was always fascinated by watching us eat. That's one KEY way to know your little one is ready for solid food.
At 9 months old, we offered meat (chicken) for the first time! We cut it up, again in pea sizes. When I knew that she handled that well, we started offering her everything we eat. From lasagna to hamburgers, to chicken, sweet potatoes, and green beans. She ate what we ate.
She is a hard-core meat eater, which is interesting. Like father, like daughter? It's always the FIRST thing that she eats on her plate. Now, at 11 months old some of her fav foods are: Shephards Pie (this is always a good one for kiddos)
Hamburgers (she ate half a burger the other day, & would have probably ate the whole thing, had I let her)
& Chicken
She is not a picky eater, and in fact, the only thing I can think of of the top of my head that she doesn't like, is yogurt. Remember, food up until the first year is really just to explore. Breastmilk, or formula, is still their #1 source of nutrition. Limit their salt and sugar intake with solid foods, and keep offering different types of foods. I was always told it can take numerous time for babe to "like" something, so to keep offering it, but obviously don't force it on them.
Now, with all that being said, I think it's so important to just follow your mama instinct. Do what you're comfortable with, and try to relax. Taking a first-aid baby course might help to ease your mind. No matter how you decide to offer / feed your baby, just make sure you're comfortable, and babe is showing signs of readiness.
Good luck, and have fun! It's such an exciting time! Please, like, and share this with any mama friends who are looking to introduce solid food to their babe.

Adeline 10 months old - eating chicken, beans and sweet potatoes
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OMG I can relate to aaaalllll of this.. well the paranoid/holding my kid back part haha. This helped a lot with my nerves. Miller has been soooo interested in food and I’m so scared of feeding him anything but purées still. I’m so bad at introducing foods 🙈 so Thank you!