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How to Get out of a Funk, and BE MORE PRODUCTIVE!

Writer: Brianne WalterBrianne Walter

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Sometimes it can be difficult to get out of a funk! On top of that, throw productivity out of the window, if you're feeling off! If you're feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, and stressed out - read on to find out how I recently got out of a funk!

Today, I'm going to give you my top 5 tips on how to get out of a funk, and be more productive! Let's jump right in! 1.) Get back into ROUTINE. I find when I'm in a funk, it's usually because my routine has been thrown off. As people, we naturally thrive on structure within our days, as we like to know "what's coming next". So getting back into the groove can really help with that! 2.) Do a brain dump. Another reason I get into a funk is due to feeling very anxious, and/or overwhelmed by the never-ending to do list (that is clogging up space in your head!). The best tip? Get it out of your head and on to paper. Write it out. Literally everything that's on your mind. PEN TO PAPER. There's nothing more satisfying than crossing things off of your to do list. It definitely helps to make me feel more accomplished. 3.) Start small. This is opposite to what I would normally recommend. But when you're feeling overwhelmed, it's all about baby steps. Sometimes it can be as simple as "getting dressed / ready for the day." "Make your bed", etc. These small tasks can help lead you to the next one.

4.) What's important, and what can wait? There will always be a to do list. Sometimes you got to think about what is important, and needs to be done now, vs what can wait.. (ex. the laundry can always wait, but your childrens doctor appointment is important.) 5.) Delegate. What is on your to do list that can be delegated out? Ex. I LOVE my robot vacuum. This is one example of delegating. Another one: laundry. Your spouse can help out with the laundry. If your kids are old enough, allow them to help around the house with age-appropriate chores. 6.) Time slots. Just like you book into your calendar for a Doctor appointment, Eye appointment, Children's Christmas Party + sports, you need to book yourself time slots for the things you need to get done. To write a to do list, find out what's important, and delegate what can be done by another person is great! But you still have to hold your end of the bargain & complete the tasks that are required to be done by you. & sometimes you won't feel like doing them, and that's when #6 comes into play! What helps me, is instead of writing "workout" on my to do list, I have to book it into my calendar in a time slot in order for me to do it. Why? Because I don't always FEEL like working out. But if I book myself a time slot, and get dressed into my workout gear, I almost don't have a choice anymore. & I know I'll be thankful I did it in the future. 7.) Do what brings you JOY! You can't pour from an empty cup, my friend! As moms, we do everything for our children, our spouses, and everyone we can possibly think of first, and than MAAAAAYBE take care of ourselves last. When was the last time you went and got your hair done? Your nails done? Bought yourself something you have wanted? Treated yourself to a massage, a facial - whatever it is that makes you feel good? Majority of women don't know the answer to those questions, or if they do, it's been awhile! I want to encourage you to fill your cup daily. Not here and there. Not when you're burnt out, exhausted, and mentally/physically stressed and overwhelmed. But daily. I'm not talking about going out and spending money to do all of those things listed above (ex. hair done, nails done, facial, etc.) For me, self care is waking up before the kids so I can enjoy my coffee in peace and quiet before the chaos of the day starts. Self care is taking Sundays off of everything to plan out my week, and have a 2-3 hour long bubble bath in the evenings. Brushing my hair, washing my face morning and evening. Those little things that I do for myself, make me feel good. & of course, you can splurge on yourself, however you deem necessary and go get a facial, go get your hair done, your nails done, etc. But that doesn't have to be a daily, or even weekly thing. Remember: it's the small, every day habits that will accumulate & bring you "success". And right now: success is getting out of that rut, so you can be the best version of yourself! You can do this! If you have any other tips, leave them below in the comments! You never know who it might help! xoBW


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