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10 ways to create normalcy during a pandemic

Writer: Brianne WalterBrianne Walter

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

I know things are really intense right now, with everything going on in the world. I would have never thought this would be our life. (As I'm sure you feel the same). So, I've compiled a list of 10 things I've been doing to create "normalcy" in my life, & to help reduce stress! (Even though we're FAR from "normal")

1.) Stick to your normal routine, as much as possible.

I'm talking your morning routine, and evening routine, as clearly, your "day" routine is probably far from normal. Unless you're one of the ones who is still going to work. Than yes, you probably have some "normal" happening in your life. But majority of people are not as lucky.

I still wake up early every morning before the girls get up to have my morning coffee, and *sometimes* get ready. Our evening routine has not changed one bit, which I'm super thankful for. I have tried to keep our routine as close to normal as possible. Here, you can see our bedtime routine.

As humans, I believe we thrive on structure. We like to know what's coming, as do our children. So sticking to your routine whenever possible, I believe, will help reduce stress and anxiety.

2.) Self Care

Wash your face. Put on normal clothes (A.K.A. GET OUT OF YOUR PJS!). Have a shower, take a bath. Take care of yourself. You cannot pour from an empty cup, my friends. I believe in order for me to be a good wife, and mother, I need to take care of myself first. (This is a totally new concept for me to understand!) Yes, I'm still learning. But the MORE/FASTER I understand that I need to take care of MYSELF first, the happier I am. & trust me, a happy wife is a happy life, am I right?

It's as simple as washing my face morning and evening! I totally LOVE my skincare regime! (This cleanser changed my life!) Taking 30 minutes in the morning before the house is awake to have a shower! & on Sundays, I bath! It makes me feel human. In order for me to not totally become a mental case, I NEED to create normalcy, and doing these simple tasks helps me to create that. Because pandemic or not, I like to wash my face, and get ready. If you don't like that, it's fine. You do you.

3.) This one is intertwined with #2, but I think it needs it's own spot on the list:

Paint your nails.

OMG. It's been what seems like a dogs age since I've gotten my nails done because, well, it has. But I totally forgot how much I enjoyed getting this done. I obviously cannot do as good of a job as the professionals, but it's pretty nice to have them painted.

You could just do polish. (This is my GO-TO colour right now.) Or you could go all out and purchase a dip kit, like this one! I cannot wait to "dip" into my kit. (HA!) If you go the dip kit route, make sure you grab some acetone so you can remove it! You can get some from Amazon!

4.) Create a small list of tasks you want to accomplish that day.

They can be work-related, or household tasks like "vacuum the house". There's a great sense of accomplishment for me when I CHECK something off a list!

I would recommend keeping this list LIGHT, in order to stay motivated to complete the tasks. Of course y'all know I'm ALL about the "brain dump" too. & on a day that you're feeling ambitious, totally! Tackle your master brain dump list. But you're not going to feel "motivated" every single day, and that is okay.

5.) Get outside.

The extrovert in me is dying to leave the house ALL DAY. We go for a walk at least once a day, sometimes twice. When it comes to kiddos, I was always told "put them in water, or get them outside!" There's nothing like a change of scenery then getting out for some fresh air!

Switch it up and go for a "wagon" ride, or a bike ride with your family. Sit on your patio instead of going for a walk. Or if it's cold, go for a drive. Fresh air is good for your soul & your mental health.

6.) Use technology to your advantage.

Facetime was my best friend prior to the pandemic, as we recently moved across the country from my entire family. But it's so important for me to stay connected, and I've never been more grateful for technology, then I am right now!

Talk to your relatives, and friends. Check in with them. See how they're doing. Communicate with your loved ones. We've actually had "Family Game Nights" where we play games online, and use ZOOM. (It's pretty cool, try it out!).

7.) Unwind.

Read a book, do a puzzle, watch some t.v. Do something that doesn't take a lot of mental effort.

8.) Limit your intake of the news.

Enough said.

9.) Workout

Working out relieves so much tension/stress! During a pandemic, I can bet you're feeling pretty stressed out. Work out even if it's only for 20-30 minutes / day. I plan to start letting my 2.5 year old "work out" with me... we will see how that goes. In reality, we will probably have to turn on some music, rather than watching a workout video on youtube.. but that's okay. The goal is to just get your body up and moving! & that brings me into the last one!

10.) Turn up the music, and have a dance party.

If there's one thing I love more then food, it's probably dancing. PLUS, music is so good for the mind, and it can also be a workout (depending how hard you dance!). So, turn on your fav music, and dance like no one is watching! Unless, you're doing TikTok, than EVERYONE is watching.. (I'm still learning about TikTok.. I've made countless videos, but none of them are uploaded yet! LOL! Maybe one day.).

So, there you have it! My list of 10 things to do to create normalcy in your life during a pandemic! Let me know which one(s) you're doing! & which one(s) you're excited to add to your life! At the end of day, just do your best, and try to give yourself some grace!

I hope you all are staying healthy, and safe! If you enjoyed this, don't forget to share it with your friends! We'll catch ya later!


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