Congratulations.. you're officially living through a pandemic. (IS THIS REAL LIFE!?) We are currently living through a virus, a time, and a GLOBAL crisis that will be talked about in history books.. It's pretty crazy to think about.
In fact, my husband does all the thinking, because I get really revved up / scared when I think about this craziness. (I have 2 little girls.. this is their future. What future? Do they have a future?).. the INTENSE thoughts that cross my mind, and I'm sure yours is BEYOND anything I ever thought I'd have to live through.
Anyway, enough on that.. let's talk about what you want "on your shelf" just in case. My husband and I have thought long and hard, and have deemed this entire list "ESSENTIAL"! (in no particular order)

1.) WATER.
Bottled Water, Culligan Jugs, whatever form, but you need clean water. As we all know, it is one of the most critical needs of our human body. (I literally had the thought about what would happen if our water supply got contaminated somehow..)
2.) Dry Food / Canned Goods
You're going to need some food items that are not required to be in the fridge/freezer. You do not know how long we could possibly be on lockdown. Having non-perishable foods will provide your family with adequate nutrition, if need be. You can buy things like canned fruits/vegetables/beans, and of course rice/PASTA. (I've never been more excited to eat pasta - guilty-free, am I right?). Don't forget about flour / yeast/ etc too. (You might get bored and want to bake to help pass time.)
3.) Frozen Food / Meat
I always buy FRESH meat, then freeze it. (Just me?) I would also suggest to stock up on frozen chicken fingers, wings, ribs, fruits, veggies, etc. Again, these items will last longer than they would in your fridge! Plus, they're super handy to have to switch things up.
4.) Seasonings / Spices
Grab an extra of all your favs! Trust me, you will want some FLAVOUR! Even if you just grab an extra salt and pepper (you know, the basics), you'll be glad you did.
5.) Medications / Pain Reliever / Allergy Meds / First Aid & VITAMINS
I don't know if I could LIVE without my allergy meds in the Summer. Heaven FORBID if I forgot them - SERIOUSLY. Ok, but for real. In the event that something happens, you want to make sure you have again, your basic meds. Especially if you're someone who has health issues. Grab those babies Tylenol, just in case. I would HATE to have a screaming teething baby & no tylenol.
Also, make sure you have a First Aid Kit. You never know when your Toddler might get into something he/she shouldn't be in, and not be prepared to handle those minor cuts. (I will stay away from the Hospital at all costs.)
I stocked up on our DHA pills for the kiddos, our probiotics, prenatal vitamins, and of course Vitamin C. It's important to have these on hand, in case you can't properly get the nutrients from food, if you "run out", etc.
6.) Cleaning Supplies / Detergent / ETC
My husband and I both are super clean freaks. I get major anxiety when the house is a mess. I just cannot focus on ANYTHING. (In fact, I clean like a mad woman when I'm mad, because it makes me feel good LOL). But in all seriousness, if you're going to be trapped inside, you're going to want the area to be clean. So make sure you not only have your basic household cleaning supplies, but also dishwasher pods, laundry detergent, and hand soap as well.
7.) Personal Hygiene Products
In the event that you're stuck at home, you're going to want to have a sense of normalcy - that's why your personal hygiene products have made the list! Toothbrushes, toothepaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, etc. Since becoming a mother, I honestly don't know if there's ANY better feeling then getting out of the shower. I feel like I "wash away" all the negativity, and I just feel like a MILLION bucks. (Especially when it's hair-wash-day!
8.) Baby Diapers / Wipes / Formula
If lockdown occurred, I think the LAST thing you want to run out of is your baby / toddlers necessities. Stock up on diapers, pull ups, wipes,etc. & If you have a formula-fed baby, you're going to want some of that!
You didn't think I'd forget about coffee, did you? #runningoncoffeeandmascara If we are on lockdown, I'mma need coffee and LOTS of it. I guess you could also sub for "tea" if your a tea drinker. But you're going to want something other then water to drink, just in case.
I wish you all luck getting everything you need. We're almost 4 weeks in, and the stores are still not fully stocked. Have fun, be safe, & enjoy the quality time with your loved ones.
Are you prepared for a lockdown? Comment below and let me know!
Also, like, subscribe & share it with your friends, and family if you found this list helpful!
*You can find lots of items on AMAZON if you do not want to leave your house. If you haven't already, sign up for AMAZON prime! We've been prime members for a few years now, and it's TOTALLY worth it!
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