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Writer: Brianne WalterBrianne Walter

The kitchen is the most used place in our house. After cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and all the snacks for my toddlers - it's bound to get dirty. With all of that being said, I have a pretty great daily cleaning routine. But there's some other items in the kitchen that even I'm guilty of not cleaning as often as I should! I stand firm in preventative cleaning! But again, I'm only human, and sometimes can't keep up. But if you can stay strong with your routines, your home will stay cleaner for longer, in turn making those deep cleaning tasks easier, and faster!

Now - Let's get into the 4 places you're either forgetting to clean, or not cleaning as often as you should!

1.) Small Kitchen Appliances Whether that's the smoothie machine on the counter, or your toaster, I bet you're not cleaning them as often as you should be - myself included. Other than in this video, I don't remember the last time I cleaned my smoothie machine.. it's probably been a solid year. The toaster, I'm a little better a cleaning, but I could definitely start cleaning it more often. These small appliances should be wiped down after each use, and then stored/put away! 2.) Coffee Pot / Keurig Machine. I like to run water through our coffee pot to help clear out any coffee grounds. You can also use a little vinegar, but you'll have to run extra cycles in order to get out all of the vinegar. Don't forget to wipe down the outside too! 3.) Inside of your dishwasher You would think that a dishwasher would be pretty clean on the inside, but it's truly horrendous if you ask me. I clean our dishwasher filter once a week. Just use soap and water, with minimal scrubbing and it'll be sparkling new! The corners / sides of your dishwasher should get a nice wash as well! You can also run a clean cycle, but you'll want to make sure you wipe it down as well. Again - preventative cleaning! 4.) Kitchen Cabinets I might be a little obsessed with wiping our kitchen cabinets. Maybe because there's always hand prints, ranch sauce, & who knows what else on them on the daily grind. I love to cook, and I'm in my kitchen often - but I'm a messy cook! I love using this dawn powerwash on our cabinets (make sure you do a spot test first if you try this), or I also use the GoCleanCo Method! *If you haven't used the dawn powerwash yet, check this out where I share 10 ways of trying it out!

There's a few other places in your kitchen you're probably not cleaning as often as you should! Let me know if you'd like to see a Pt.2! & leave me a comment - did I get you? Which one of these are you guilty of? I know I've been guilty of them all, as well! & guess what.. it's okay! Try to give yourself some grace. This post is meant to encourage you to tackle those messes, and help you create better systems and routines, so that you just go on auto-pilot when it comes to these cleaning tasks - similar to brushing your teeth. Eventually you'll just do it without even thinking about it. Remember, what you do around your home matters. If no one has told you lately - YOU are important. xoBW


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